
Class Details

Each class has the following details:
Starting Equipment: Lists the weapons, armor and other equipment a character begins with.
Background Question: Is the basis for your Class Skill, it asks how you became this class.
XP Trigger: Describes the condition under which the class gains XP.
Class Types: There are 3 class types: \

Leveling Up

When you gain the amount of XP shown on your character sheet and the table below for your level, you instantly level up and reset your XP to zero. When this happens you gain the benefit listed in the table below and the following attributes are likely to increase.


You can multi-class at any level, replacing your feat or a class level. Each level you may choose which class to level up in. You cannot level up in the same class twice in a row. If you multi-class a different sub type (Warrior, Expert or Mage) you do not gain either Class Ability.
However you may choose whichever XP Goal, Attack Bonus and Health you prefer. You gain the additional Skills and Equipment as per normal rules.

Class list