Veteran Class

You fought in the war of kings, as a footsoldier, general or even a knight of the Kingdom. You found a calling in the arts of battle, and when the war ended you found new uses for your weapons.

Starting Equipment: Chain Armor (Medium), A tabard with your colors, Any Weapons or shields you have mastery over.

Background Question: What rank did you hold in the army?

XP Trigger: Defeat an worthy opponent in combat

Class Type: Warrior

Stamina: 10+[Str]+[Level]

Attack Bonus: +[½Level]+2

Ability: You may Push Yourself in combat to gain a +1d bonus to attacks.

A: Master-at-arms, Warsight, 2 Martial Dice
B: +1 Art & +2 Stamina or +4 Stamina
C: +1 Art & +2 Stamina or +1 Attack Per action
D: +1 Art & +2 Stamina or +1 Attack Per action


You have a Weapon Style you have learned in the war. Choose one from the following page to begin with. You gain more as you level up.
It will grant you abilities that can be used by Pushing Yourself. The weapon arts gain modifier based on your number of [attacks] and weapon [damage].


All (successful) warriors develop a system by which they classify their enemies, so as to inform their judgments on who first to render into their constituent parts. The more intellectual warriors refer to such arcane principles as a "plus one to-hit" and an "armor class of 12", or speak of the "hit points" an enemy must be damaged at before they become a gibbering wreck.
You can see characters' mundane combat stats (if they aren't being deliberately concealed) and whether or not they have magical abilities. Mundane stats include damage die size, current and maximum hit points, armor class, and to-hit bonus.

B: Second Wind

During combat you can draw on hidden reserves of energy and regain 1d8+STR stamina. With 10 minutes rest and some food you can recover 8+STR stamina.
You can do this [½level] times before you must Recover to do it again.

Weapon Styles

Weapon Styles:

Blackpowder Style (Firearms)

A new style that is still wet with the blood that it's written in. It is unfinished and unrefined.

Iron Style (Weapon and Shield)

You crudely and brutally bludgeon an enemy, these knights learned to fight for war and no other purpose.

Banneret Style (Battle Standard)

A style often mocked but they know the power of a flag held high.

Palisade Style (Polearms or Bayonettes)

An eons old style passed from veteran to recruit, shoulder to shoulder you stand with spears ready

Stone Style (Heavy Weapons)

Borrowed from the Goliath of Ulrich, this style rolls like a bolder with momentum and power behind each strike.

Willow Style (one-handed swords)

You elegantly and nobly fight, a practiced duelist you move with each attack.

Sequoia Style (Sabre and Pistol)

Named for a famed squad of dragoons, the Vedoran cavalrymen, with their pearl gripped revolvers, are often considered the symbol of their military.

Cavalier Style (Bodyguard/rapier)

The Cavalier's of Keshire protect their noble patrons both from bodily harm or political slight, both done with the blade.

Blademage (Magic/Bladed Weapons)

The Original Blademage was considered an oddity, nothing more than a novelty of magic. Until he struck down an entire contingent of witchhunters in a single blow.

  1. Inspired by the Warrior Class by Lexi of "A Blasted, Cratered Land"
