Skill Feats

These feats allow characters to grow in skill and ability. These cannot be taken at first level.

You may pick a skill that you have and declare it an specialization, you may reroll 1s when rolling a skill check where that skill would be relevant. This feat can be taken multiple times for different skills.

Jack of All Trades
Expert Classes only
You may use one of your skills to complete a task unrelated to it by Pushing Yourself, you must tell a story of where you learned to do this.

You may pick an additional skill to describe new things you have learned or improve a skill by +1d. You may take this feat multiple times.

You may increase one of your attributes by 1. You may not increase it beyond +2. You may only take this feat once.

Increase your luck to 2, if you already have 2, or would gain another luck, luck you may re-roll a luck dice once per session.
