
When regularly interacting with characters or factions the relationship system defines how said characters will help, or hinder, the player characters.
A character or faction will do, as their relationship level indicates if the player characters do not interfere. In the case a skill check needs to be rolled the relationship level will modify any checks to persuade, barter or negotiate with the character.

Allies (+3): Will actively help the party however they reasonably can.

Friends (+2): Will help the party unless it heavily disadvantages them.

Acquaintance (+1): Will help the party in easy ways unless they have a reason not to.

Neutral (0): Will not help or hinder the party without reason.

Opponent (-1): Will deny the party help unless they have a strong motivation, will obstruct the party if it requires little effort.

Enemy (-2): Will obstruct the party if they come across them, even it it inconveniences them.

Rival (-3): Will actively seek out the party to obstruct them.