
The school of miracles can only be cast by Theurgists and other divine spellcasters.

It's binding new, the gilt pages freshly shining, each page tells the tale, and folly, of a saint. The prayers within are penned in an elaborate and passionate hand.

Cantrip: Blessings
You may spend 10 minutes to purify wine into holy oil, bless weapons to harm ghosts and devils, or detect the presence of extra-planar beings within eyesight. You may only have a single one of these effects active at once.

  1. Blessings of St. Zois

Ritual (3)
You speak a prayer of the Gatekeeper in the presence of [sum] dead bodies or undead of under [dice] HD. The bodies cannot rise again as undead until they have been unearthed for [sum] weeks. Undead within earshot are turned, their bodies becoming lifeless or forced into the ethereal realm for [dice] rounds, half on MENT save.

  1. Travels' of St. Cuthbert

Ritual (2) You commune with a symbolic journal of the saint, you may ask [dice] questions about the area and get an answer from the well travelled deity. The answers can only tell you about the area within [dice]×10 Miles.
Example Questions:

  1. Feast of St. Dama

You may bless [dice] pieces of bread, or other small piece of food. Until the next dawn, it becomes supernaturally nourishing and can either be used as an days rations or consumed as an action to recover [sum] stamina.

  1. Revealing Breath of St Bahamut

A 10' radius circle around a point within close range is filled with moonlight for [sum] rounds, at the end of your turn you may move this beam [dice]×5 ft. Any creature beginning their turn in this area take [sum] damage (save for half). Shapechangers do not get a save against this spell, take maximum damage from it, and are forced to revert to their original shape while within the area.

  1. Ballad of St. Oghma

Slow, Concentration
The tragic tale of a lost lover surrounds you and you may shape stone as you wish while you sing his song.
At 1 dice you may move a few kilograms of earth, at 2 dice you can tunnel a dozen yards, at 3 dice you can travel at walking pace beneath the earth, at 4 dice you can tunnel to the chthonic planes.

  1. Wrath of St. Talos

Fast, Concentration
You bless [dice] weapons within close range, they crackle with ominous lightning. Attacks with these weapons deal [sum] additional damage and ignore metal armour.

  1. Wings of St. Charon

You conjure a small set of golden wings, these can instantly carry a message or small object ([dice] slots) to another creature in any location, even on another plane.
Alternatively, they can be attached to your heels to allow you to instantly travel up to [dice]×30ft when you take the move action, the wings vanishing in the process.

School Secret: Wish

With a desperate prayer to the gods lasting days you can call upon them to grant you one wish. This wish can be anything they have the power to do such as raising the dead, destroying a village or granting you incredible wealth. However this act breaches the celestial barrier and allows a greater Fiend into the world, this being will cause untold chaos and it can smell the divines touch on you.
