Hedge Magic

A sturdy leather folio warded with herbs. The tomes pages contains the advice of those who have seen it all. The magic almost secondary to the wisdom of a long life lived.

Cantrip: Mending With 10 minutes of time any minor damage, like tears or cracks,  no larger than your hand can be seamlessly repaired. Skilled users can weld objects of identical material together.

  1. Light

When cast creates a bright light that can be controlled within reach of the caster for [dice] hours (6 dungeon rounds each). As an action can be sent to point within Mid range and expended to to blind all creatures within 30ft for [dice] minutes, save to reduce this to [dice] turns.

  1. Heat Metal

Slow, Concentration
You cause [dice] pieces of metal you can touch to glow cherry red, this heat will never harm you or your allies but will deal [sum] additional damage to any other creature who touches it.
As you increase the dice the temperature the metal glows at will increase. When cast with 1 [dice] the metal becomes as hot as an oven, at 2 as hot as a forge, 3 as hot as a blast furnace, at 4 it reaches the temperature of a volcano or other magical heat sources.

  1. Green Thumb

You gently nurture plants within Mid range, sustaining them with magical energy, you can grow plants up to [dice] times their initial volume over 10 minutes, shaping them however you want. You can also cast the spell instantly to, Grappling up to [dice] opponents standing among plant life. These plants have [sum] HP and take double damage from fire.

  1. Condensation

Slow, Concentration
By pulling the air together you can condense the air around into fog and then into liquid. You can fill [dice] waterskins with water over 10 minutes. You can instead conjure this fog about a person, they are blinded by the thick fog and will lose their turn as they choke on the fog, Save to lose an action, being Slowed, instead.

  1. Longsight

You bend the air around a ring, such as one made by your circled fingers, that ring now acts as a telescope letting anyone who peers through it to see incredible distances or observe the stars. This removes penalties from ranged attacks past your weapons range and grants a +[dice] bonus on checks to see distant details.

  1. Birdcall

You can create [dice] illusionary sounds of any animal or voice you have heard at points within Medium Range. The sounds lack resonance however and intelligent beings will not be fooled unless the sound is disguised somehow (such as being muffled). Beasts however can be easily startled and scared by the sounds of their predators.
If cast directly into a characters ears they will be deafened for [sum] rounds, save PHYS for half.

  1. Unseen Servant

Ritual (2)
You summon an invisible, intangible servant for [sum] hours. It will do your bidding and can perform any and all unskilled mundane tasks at the speed a human could perform them. It  cannot go further than the medium range from the caster and can only take a single harmful action, dealing [sum] damage maximum and being dispelled.

Magical Secret: Tea Reading
A secret borrowed from the witches, you can brew a magical cup of tea and roll a random spell from a thematic tome of magic (eg. A fiery ginger tea might produce a pyromancy spell), you may treat that spell as known until your next recovery. You may know [½level] spells in this way.
