General Feats

Keenly aware of your surroundings you cannot be surprised and notice things others wouldn’t. When your side is surprised you may act as normal.

You can create small harmless clockwork creations with 10 minutes of time. They can complete simple sets of instructions but degrade quickly. Additionally you can easily make small repairs to cloth or simple metal goods.

You can stabilize a mortally wounded character by spending your entire turn tending to them. When you apply first aid you can treat a wound so that it provides no penalty, although the wound still is present for all other purposes.

You are well read, you can recall obscure facts about your fields of study. If you don’t know something you will know where you can find information about it. Once per session you may recall an obscure fact you were recently reading about that is relevant to the scene.

Camouflage Expert
You have learned to hide in many ways; when you are well prepared you can assure that anything you hide, including yourself, cannot be found by regular means. This does take time and supplies to set up and cannot be prepared during combat.

You can feel the presence or use of magic within twenty feet of you, though you can’t discern details about it or the specific source. The first failed saving throw against a magical effect you suffer in a day is turned into a success.

You have learned some tricks and trades of the agents. You may take 1 trade from the Agent Class at level 1. You may take this multiple times to gain different trades or increase the rank of a trade by 1.
