

Written on paper-thin slices of dragonscale this book can withstand the harshest of conditions. However it has still been worn by the ages. The harsh lines of Draconic in this tome detail the magic of dragons.

Cantrip: Elemental Blast
You may throw one of the 7 destructive magics as a blast of energy, as if it were a regular ranged weapon with no tags, you may use your INT or CHA in place of DEX. The attack deals 1d8 damage of your choice of; Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, Plague, Thunder or Light.

Destructive Spells

Destruction magic functions differently to the way most spells do, they are flexible in a way, their simple nature allows for casters to adapt the spell to the situation.
Instead of spells you have Forms and Elements. Each element has a unique effect on the spell, while each form changes how the spell is expressed.
When taking a single spell from this list chose a single Form, being able to cast it with any Element.


The elements effects can be negated or reduced by certain effects, eg. dousing yourself in water, drinking an antidote, redirecting the lightning with a metal cable.

  1. Fire: Damaged targets take an additional [dice] damage and also become Burning.

  2. Cold: Creates icy ground, in the area of the spell + a [dice]×5ft radius, characters who walk through the icy ground must save or fall prone and end their movement ℗ and take 1d6 damage (f).

  3. Lightning: The attack chains, dealing half damage to [dice] additional targets in close range of a each other. Spreads in water and damages all characters standing in the water.

  4. Acid: The attack also reduces the enemies armor by [dice].

  5. Thunder: The attack knocks the target(s) back [dice]×5ft and deafens them.

  6. Plague: The attack also reduces the targets maximum health by [sum] (after dealing damage) until they recover.

  7. Light: The attack also blinds the target until the end of their next turn.


  1. Blast

Deals [sum] damage to all targets in a [dice]×5 ft. radius around a point you chose within Medium Range. Save PHYS for half damage.

  1. Ray

Deals [sum] damage to [dice] targets within Far Range. Save PHYS for half damage

  1. Wall

Create a wall 5 ft thick and up to [dice]×40 ft long. This wall can be in any shape you choose. This wall blocks line of sight and deals [sum] damage to any creature that passes through it or is within the area of the spell when it is cast. Any character within the effect when the spell is cast must move out of the effect, they may save PHYS to avoid taking damage.

  1. Armor

Slow, Concentration
Conjure an elemental barrier about a close ally (including yourself), this grants a base armor of [dice] and any character who enters melee range of the character must take [sum] damage or save PHYS for half.

  1. Breath

You grant a creature you touch the ability a breath weapon. They may, as a fast action, exhale a [dice]×10 ft cone of elemental force, dealing [sum] damage to all character within. The ability ends when it has been used or at the end of the scene.

  1. Storm

Slow, Concentration
You conjure a massive storm over [dice]×40 ft radius centered on yourself, characters you choose take [dice]d4 damage each turn they remain within the radius.

  1. Call

You call down an almighty elemental force centered on a single target you can see within far range. When the ritual completes, the target takes [dice]×[sum] damage.

Secret Spell: Prismatic Beam
This powerful spell is as uncontrollable as it is powerful. For each character, including yourself, within medium range roll a d6 twice for a Form and Element, the rolled spell is cast targeting or centered on that character. Each spell is cast with the [sum] and [dice] you cast this spell with. Any concentration spells last [dice] rounds.
