
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Mundane Gear
Magical Gear


You have a limited number of items you can carry while remaining nimble and active.
Ready equipment can be drawn or used as a free action, you have 4+STR ready slots.
Stowed equipment takes a full action to access, but you can carry Twice as much as Readied Equipment.
Packed equipment is inaccessible in combat as it is burred in bulky bags, kept with your horse or even stored at the camp or inn. You can Pack as much equipment as you can justify carrying while you travel.



Armor does not encumber when being worn or wielded.

Light. 2 Armor, 1 Slot. Can be passed off as regular clothing
Medium. 4 Armor, 2 Slots. -2d to sneak
Heavy. 6 Armor, 2 Slots, 4 Coin. Makes stealth near impossible.

Shields take 1 hand to use

Buckler. +DEX Armor, Cannot be sundered.
Shield. +1 Armor, Can be Sundered to ignore one source of damage.

Melee Weapons:

Light: d4 damage, 1 handed, 1 slot for 3. Can be duel wielded (+1 attack per action)
Medium: d8 damage, 1 Handed, 1 slot.
Heavy: d10 damage, 2 Hands, 2 slots.

Tags (pick 2):

Ranged Weapons

Hand: d6 damage, 1 handed. -1d beyond Mid range.
Regular: d10 damage, 2 hands, 2 slots. -1d beyond Far Range.

Tags(pick 1).

Other Gear


Kits are bundles of non-specific mundane equipment such as tools, lamps, or basic supplies. Each kit has 4 uses that can be used to pull out a tool needed that would be kept by the profession the kit describes, these uses refill in town. \

Each kit takes 2 slots, and costs 1 coin.
The professions are: Thief, Courtier, Ranger, Scholar, Performer, and Craftsman.

Mundane Gear

Mundane gear is common and cheap, most can be bought for the change in your pocket and can be found in any town.

Magical Gear

Requires special knowledge to create and therefore requires specialty stores, and may not be available in small settlements.


Illegal and requires black market stores. Oil poisons on contact, Dust must be ingested or inhaled.


Requires access to a skilled alchemist, and often need to be commissioned.