
At first glance this locket is nothing more than a simple piece of jewellery, but each secret found guides the reader on a journey of wonder and magic.

Cantrip: Minor Illusion

Create a small illusion of an object that could fit in your hand. This illusion must be a single solid object and does not hold up to physical or detailed inspection.

  1. Lullaby

[dice] hit dice of nearby creatures fall into light slumber for [sum] rounds, or [sum] hit dice for [dice] rounds. Alert characters may save to be stunned instead. Slumbering characters can’t be awoken by anything less vigorous than a slap. Creatures are affected in ascending order of their HD.

  1. Demand Fealty

Ritual (2)
You can bind a creature in close range to be your thrall for [dice] days or save MENT to be bound for [sum] hours instead (the save is modified by the difference between the creatures HD and [dice]). You must know their name and have a lock of their hair or drop of blood. The spell can only effect creatures of less than [dice]×3 HD.
A bound thrall must follow your commands and obey any actions given while bound. If the action would be harmful to it it may save to disobey. This doesn't change the creature's opinions or perspective of you, it just forces obedience onto it.

  1. Call Thy Name

Speak the full name of any creature, and it will hear your voice, and learn your exact location.  As long as you remain in the place you cast the spell, then they will be able to determine the direction you are.  If you leave this place, then this no longer applies.  Finally, you can also send a message equal to [sum] words to the recipient.

  1. Glamor of Dust

Create an illusion, the size of a person, around an object, or a free standing one that lasts for the scene.  It can be any image. Illusions can only add, not remove. For each [dice] added the illusion can also: Smell/Taste, Move, Alter/Make Sounds, Alter Touch or Be as large as a wagon.

  1. Glamor of Wind

Slow, Concentration
[dice] creatures turn invisible.  If they attack or do something strenuous before the time limit is up, they turn visible.

  1. Seal Thine Home

You makes a closed shape of runes over an object or onto a surface of up to 10*[dice] ft.  While these Wards are active, no supernatural creature can pass through the threshold without permission, powerful creatures may be able to save to ignore this. The spell ends if the ward is physically broken or after [sum] hours.
If four or more dice are used on these wards, they are permanent until broken.

  1. Inversion

You can cast this as a free action, whenever someone else casts a spell.  You invert the effects of their spell.  Fire becomes ice, healing becomes hurting, raising the dead means casting down the living, etc.

School Secret: Names of Power

When you know a creature's true name (the name they think of themselves by) you may cast spells on them as if you could see them even when they are hidden. This also allows spells to be cast one range further (far becoming on the same plane)
