
Downtime Actions:

When you return victorious from an adventure you will be able to take the time to reflect on what you learned, share out the spoils and pursue your other interests before you delve once more into the breach.

Gain XP

Consider the last adventure, you gain 3 XP for each of your character goals you completed over the course of it, if you completed or expressed them multiple times you instead gain 5 XP for that goal.
After you have gained your XP you may alter your personal goal, or party goal if everyone agrees.


Count up the loot you gathered from your last adventure. You may sell this loot and your GM will let you know any complication that might arise.
The resulting Coin should be distributed among the party and potentially invested into wealth.


You take the recovery downtime action for free as you rest and recover from the adventure you just had.
When you recover:



When you Carouse, you spend your money making friends and earning favour's. You may get drunk at the bar, invite the local librarians out for a nice dinner or even do some gardening with the local druids. Either way you meet new people and earn Favors.
Favors can be earned to Know a Guy the party needs or Call In a Favor from a character the party already knows.

Describe how you network and roll a skill check, add +1d for each coin you spend to buy good drinks or food.
Critical: Earn 2 Favors, and somebody kindly covers 1 coin of your costs.
Great: Earn 2 Favors.
Mixed: Earn 1 Favor.
Fail: Earn 1 Favor, however a complication arises that must be resolved before you can use it.


When you Spy you gossip with locals, sneak into hidden areas or lure people into compromising situations. Learning Secrets in the process.
You can expend a Secret at any point to Blackmail a character, forcing them to help you (but lose -1 relationship) or to Know a Secret relevant to your situation. Agents can also expend secrets to gain XP.

Describe how you gather your secrets and roll a skill check, add +1d for each coin you spend to grease the wheels.
Critical: Learn 2 Secrets, and steal enough to cover 1 coin of your costs.
Great: Learn 2 Secret.
Mixed: Learn 1 Secret.
Fail: Learn 1 Secret, but you get caught and reduce a faction or characters relationship by 1


You gamble with thieves, contact the black market or burgle goods. You obtain a package of goods that may or may not be illicit.
Unmarked Packages each take up 1 slot and can be opened to reveal legal or illegal items needed by the party worth no more than 1 coin per package.

Describe what crime you commit and roll a skill check, add +1d for each coin you exchange with the right people.
Critical: You find 2 Unmarked Packages, and steal enough to cover 1 coin of your costs.
Great: You find 2 Unmarked Packages.
Mixed: You find 1 Unmarked Package.
Fail: You find 1 Unmarked Package, but are caught by the law, you must pay a 1 coin fine or lose 1 downtime action in jail.


You study by searching libraries, talking to scholars or exploring safe ruins. Your studies into esoteric subjects gathers you Knowledge.
Knowledge can be expended to Spout Lore that will be helpful at a given moment or to Reason Untruth and prove another characters statement false.

Describe where you begin your search and roll a skill check, add +1d for each coin spend on ink and books.
Critical: You find 2 Knowledge and gain access to a rare tome.
Great: You discover 2 pieces of Knowledge.
Mixed: You discover 1 piece of Knowledge.
Fail: You discover the location of 1 piece of Knowledge, but it is hidden in an obscure location.


When you train you must find a trainer who can teach you what you want. They will often ask a fee of 1 coin for each 4 segments of the clock. \

Roll a skill check, progressing the clock from the results as below.
Critical: Progress 4 ticks.
Great: Progress 3 ticks.
Mixed: Progress 2 ticks.
Fail: Progress 2 ticks but your trainer falls ill or otherwise is unable to train you further, you must resolve the issue or find a new trainer.

Creating the clock:


When crafting you should first decide what you wish to make, such as: a weapon, magical item, scroll or piece of art, and what effect or benefits you wish it to apply.
Your GM will give you a blueprint containing what clock the item will take to complete and what Materials and supplies you will have to gather.

Roll a skill check, progressing the clock from the results as below. Critical: Progress 4 ticks. Great: Progress 3 ticks. Mixed: Progress 2 ticks. Fail: Progress 2 ticks but your equipment is destroyed, you must spend a coin to replace the lost materials to continue

Creating the Clock: