
An inconspicuous tome appearing to be a diary at first glance, the spidery writing within details the rituals needed to breech the planar barrier. The list of names once written in the tomes back end is stained in blood, only a few names legible in the mess.

Much like Evocation this Tome of magic functions differently to others, it has only 3 spells, each additional spell beyond those (4 if you take the entire Tome) is a Name you know of a daemon you can summon.

Cantrip: Line of Salt
When you lay down an unbroken line of salt you can bless it to slow any Daemon of less than [level] HD from crossing it. It will take them 1 additional round, or 1 hour if reinforcing a houses threshold.

  1. Bind Daemon

You attempt to bind a daemon of [dice] HD or less to your Will. The daemon, or it's summoner may save, adding the difference in their HD and [dice] to their save. Daemons you know the name of automatically fail their save, but their summoner can still save for them, with a [dice] penalty. If they fail the creature is bound to your Will, for [dice] hours, or rounds on a successful save, and must follow your commands. The GM will let you know their Will cost now, and you will suffer any consequences.

  1. Banish

Ritual(1) You reach into the planes and attempt to pull a daemon of no more than [sum] HD within Mid range back to it's home plane. It, or it's summoner, must save or have the creature Banished to it's home plane. On a successful save the daemon is instead slowed for [dice] rounds as the fabric of the world pulls at it.

  1. Summon Outsider

Ritual(2) You summon a creature according to the rules below, this creature may have [dice] traits beyond its tier. It lasts for [sum] hours before your binding will expire. At which point you may chose to Banish it without risk or retain it's services for an additional [sum] hours but it's Will cost doubles.


You have a pool of Will equal to 2 + INT + CHA. If you summon more creatures than your Will can support you must Save MENT or have them escape your binding being free to do whatever they wish.

A summoned creature costs 1 Will for every 4 HD, a creature will have 1 trait for each Will it costs to summon. You may call upon a creature with a Will to have more traits. You may call upon a summon with a maximum of [level] HD.

When you Banish a summoned creature you regain the Will invested in it, however if a summon is destroyed, or banished against your will, you do not regain the Will until you Recover.

When you summon an unnamed creature you may choose 1 trait, this is guaranteed, then roll a d12 for each additional trait. You may reroll the resulting creature at a cost of 1 less trait.

Named summons are creatures whom you know of their name. These summons always have the same traits when summoned, as a skilled Diabolist you begin knowing 4 names (or 1 for each spell additional you would learn from this school).



d12 Ability
1 Evil Eye: Summon can, as an action, give a nearby enemy a -HD/2 penalty to checks and attack rolls. Only one curse can be active at a time.
2 Fidgeting Hands: Summon can, as an action grant an ally favor, granting a +1d bonus to a non-combat skill check
3 Skittering Legs: Summon can swim supernaturally fast, Climb walls like a spider, jump incredible heights or some other supernatural method of mobility, not including flight.
4 Blood for Blood: Summon can, as an action, heal a close ally by 1d8, losing the same amount of health.
5 Feral Pact: Summon can command animals of the same general type as the monster. Animals will follow these command provided it's not contrary to their nature.
6 Glistening Muscle: Summon has incredible strength, being able to lift wagons effortlessly. However this strength is too slow to use in combat.
7 Shadowy Physique: Summon can move through any barrier that isn't watertight without impeding its movement and is invisible. However it has limited effect on the world and cannot make attacks.
8 Deceptive Innocence: Summon appears to be a normal mortal to casual inspection. Careful inspection will reveal it's uncanny nature.
9 Born of the Hells: Choose a type of damage appropriate to it's nature, the spirit becomes immune to that damage. This cannot apply to normal weapons or attacks.
10 Stolen Talents: Choose simple skill, like smithing, history or hunting. The Summon gains it as a skill equal to it's teir.
11 Thirst for Blood: Summon gains a bonus to hit equal to your Int bonus, however it will resist commands to spare downed opponents or stop attacking.
12 Hunter of Mortals: Summon can see in complete darkness and identify scents.

Greater Traits

The following Abilities can be granted to a summon of 4 HD or above by expending an additional 2 Will, a summoned creature may only have 1 greater trait.

Airy Steps. The Summon can fly at it's normal rate, at 4 HD summons can carry a character, if slowly. At 6 HD it may carry characters effortlessly or multiple slowly.

Aura of Destruction. Characters in engagement range with the summon will take HD+2 damage at the start of it's turn.

Hideous Talons. The summon has natural weapons that grant it additional power, you may select 2 weapon tags to add to it's attacks.

Iron Eidolon. With scales, armor or some other defense the summon gains 4 armor against non-magical attacks.

Myrmidons Sheild. The Summon may, as a reaction, take a hit an ally in melee range would have taken.

Example Summons:

Hit Dice: HD (HP)
Armor: 0, PHYS: 10-½HD , MENT: 10-½HD
Skill: +½HD

Attack Range To-Hit Damage
Rusted Blade Melee HD Weapon

Mut, Lesser Imp (1 Will)
This small imp was tricked into giving it's name away long ago, now many summoners make use of it for housework and menial duties.
Hit Dice: 1 (4)
Armor: 0, PHYS: 10+ , MENT: 10+
Skill: +2 (Housekeeping)

Attack Range To-Hit Damage
Claws Melee 1d 1d4

Traits: Stolen Talents (Housekeeping)

Dhark, Brute of the bloodwar (1 Will, Level 2)
A brutal and cruel being it cares not that it's servitude is demanded, only that it gets to spill blood.
Hit Dice: 2 (8)
Armor: 0, PHYS: 9+ , MENT: 9+
Skill: +1

Attack Range To-Hit Damage
Rusted Blade Melee 2d+INT 1d6+2

Traits: Thirst for Blood

Cerbus, Hellhound (2 Will, Level 4)
A relative of the famous Cerberus, Cerbus is but a simple hellhound.
Hit Dice: 4 (16)
Armor: 0, PHYS: 9+ , MENT: 9+
Skill: +2

Attack Range To-Hit Damage
Glistening Teeth Melee 4d 1d6+2

Traits: Feral Pact (Dogs), Hunter of Mortals

Al'tahar, Shield of the Stygian Lord (4 Will, Level 6)
This stalwart defender is made of icy crystals so clear it is invisible, it's many limbs each hold a shield of ice. It can do nothing but defend it's owner from harm but can never strike out itself.
Hit Dice: 6 (24)
Armor: 0, PHYS: 7+ , MENT: 7+
Skill: +3

Traits: Myrmidons Shield, Blood for Blood, Shadowy Physique

  1. These rules are heavily inspired by the rules used in Cities Without Numbers by Sine Nominee Publishing
