Turn Order

Each round the players may choose to Act Fast, and take 1 action before their opponents, or Act Well, and take 2 actions after them.

  1. Act Fast: Players take 1 action.
  2. Opponents: NPC’s take their actions
  3. Act Well: Players take 2 actions.
  4. Slow: Slow character act, players first.
  5. Next Turn Surprise: If one side would clearly act first their opponents act as if Slow (but still get 2 actions).



You may take 1 reaction per turn.


A character may riposte when


To make an attack:

Roll: [Class bonus]+[STR/DEX]* d6s
*STR for melee, DEX for ranged
Result: Read highest dice, as per skill check


Is broadly split into 5 bands used by spells and other features.

Distant: (5+ moves/>150 ft.) Cannot interfere with combat in most cases
Far: (3+ moves/~90 ft.) Can be targeted by ranged attacks.
Mid: (2 Moves/~60 ft.) Takes more than 1 move to reach. Close: (1 Move/~30 ft.) <1 move from melee range. Can move into melee range as a part of an attack.
Melee: (0 Moves/~5 ft.) Can be targeted by melee attacks.


Armor: All damage taken is reduced by your armor value. (eg. 1 Armor will reduce each die of an attack by 1)
Morale: Non player character roll 2d6+Leaderhip, fleeing or surrendering if they roll higher than their morale save.
Opponents roll morale when:


These describe common states a character may be in that change the way they act in combat.

Prone. A prone character has -2d to be hit by ranged attacks, but +2d to be hit by melee attacks. They cannot move unless they first take a move action to stand up.
Grappled. A grappled character cannot move and Melee attacks against a grappled character have +1d.
Restrained. A restrained character has -2d to all attacks, they must also spend their entire turn to take the move action.
Immobilized. An Immobilized character is unable to move, make attacks or cast spells. They cannot defend themselves from attacks.
Slow. A slowed character may only take 1 action and acts last. NPC’s may either move or attack, not both.
Stunned. A stunned character misses their turn and cannot take reaction.
Fear. A fearful character cannot move unless they are taking their whole turn to flee from the source of the fear. Attacks against a fearful character have +1d.
Burning: Burning creatures take 1d6 damage at the start of their turn until they take an action to extinguish the flames.