Blade Magic



All Blade magic spells must be cast with a bladed weapon in place of the foci.

This tome is a relatively crude, albeit rugged, construction. Pages have been torn out and mistakes are often crossed out. Parts of the book are torn, but the solid steel cover keeps it safe from most harm.

Cantrip: Magic Weapon

You may spend 10 minutes infusing ambient magic into your blade as you sheath it. The next time the weapon is drawn you gain +[½level] to hit and damage with it for it's next attack.

  1. All Things Adjacent

For a single action you are considered within melee range of all creatures within [dice]×30 ft

  1. Pivot and Step

You instantly move [dice] × your movement speed as if you ran the distance in an instant. At 2 [dice] you may move as if climbed, at 3 you may move as if you flew, at 4 you do not cross the distance, instead just being in a location you could see.

  1. Sheath Between Reality

You stash [dice] bladed weapons Elsewhere, where they remain in stasis until you will (one of) them to appear in your hand.

  1. Strike at the Unheard

You may cut immaterial spirits (ghosts, demons, etc). Gaining +[dice]d to hit and Dealing [sum] additional damage to such creatures.
At 2 [dice], you can attack a possessing spirit without harming the host. At 4 [dice] and at GM's discretion, you may cut souls or abstract concepts. You might for example cut away a memory to make someone forget, cut a prepared spell right from the caster's brain, cut away people's shadows, or cut down their emotions.

  1. Cut the Rain from the Sky

Instant (Reaction)
You cut through an attack, slashing arrows, deflecting blades or even splitting dragon fire without being harmed, of a total damage of [sum]×[dice], or stay dry in a rainstorm by deflecting the raindrops with your sword.

  1. Perfectly Aligned Blade

For a single attack you can cut materials harder than your sword. You may ignore and destroy Armor of a material you can cut.
At 1 [die], you can cut steel as easily as flesh. At 2 [dice], you may cut through magical materials or enchanted items with ease. Adamantine splits like wood. At 3 [dice], you may attempt to sunder force effects (magical barriers such as wall of force). At 4 [dice], you may attempt to destroy artefacts.

  1. Forge the Blade

You may grab a hold of something that should be unsuited to be used as a weapon and shape it into a blade, adding an additional Unique tag to it fitting to it's construction. These weapons cannot break while sheathed or being wielded by you. At 1 [die] you may forge weak metals or brittle materials like stone, at 2 [dice] you may forge soft materials like cloth or bread, at 3 [dice] liquids like water or mead can be formed into blades, at 4 you can forge concepts like lies or betrayal.

Secret of Magic: Sharpened Mind

You may sharpen your mind as you would any blade, you may treat your mind a bladed weapon. You may attack without moving or cast any Blade Magic spell without the components by Pushing Yourself.
