
This soft tome has pages guilt with silver and a warm amber cover, trinkets of silver are hidden within the tome in various places.

Cantrip: Sealed Moment

You may create a magical seal on a container, such as a letter or package, objects in this container will not age or pass time until the seal is broken, at which point the spell ends. You always know when a seal has been broken. You may maintain [Level] seals at any given time.

  1. Amber Moment

You create a bubble of amber [dice] x 10 ft. wide from a point you touch, everything within the bubble is entrapped, frozen in time until the amber is broken. You may grow the amber so that you are not entrapped within it. Only a singular strike of [sum] damage may crack the amber, at 4 MD this damage must be magical.

  1. Sound of Silence

Fast, Concentration
You ring a silver bell and all sound within [dice] x 10ft. of it stops, spellcasters cannot use verbal components while affected by this. When cast with multiple MD can instead be cast multiple times simultaneously, with each overlapping instance cancelling each other out.

  1. Bind the Threshold

Ritual (3)
By constructing a circle of silver in facsimile of an entryway (1 MD), Room (2 MD) or building (3 MD) you cause all of the entryways to slam shut and becomes magically sealed. These entryways must be physically destroyed to be entered. The silver model shatters where each entryway is destroyed and destroying the models entryways similarly causes the real versions to be destroyed.

  1. Fade into the Ether

Slow, Concentration
You anchor a ribbon to a sturdy physical object, whoever touches the ribbon descends into the ethereal realm where spirits reside. While in the ethereal realm you cannot interact with the physical world and vice versa, however you may interact with ethereal beings such as ghosts. Beings may not roam more than [dice] x 10ft. from the anchor and can only renter the physical realm at the anchors location.

  1. Solemn Slumber

Ritual(3), Concentration
By playing a lullaby on your silent silver whistle, a character you see is slowed for 3 rounds before they fall into a magical slumber. Only by stopping your song can they be awakened. If you have a drop of the characters blood you can instead make the sleep permanent, although there will always be some way to dispel this sleep. While a character is asleep in this way they do not age and any ailments, including wounds, do not worsen or get better.

  1. Still the Ley

By lighting a silver candle you cause the flow of magic to become lethargic. As long as the candle is lit magic cast within [dice] x 60 ft takes 1 action longer and permanent magical effects behave differently, acting tired and lazy. While you hold the candle you can feel the movement of every living creature within range, like footsteps at midnight.

  1. Geas

By getting a creature to utter the same oath written upon a silver ribbon you bind them to their word. When you cast this spell you chose another spell or similar effect as a Boon and Bane. While the creature follows the Geas they may gain the benefit of the Boon once per day (cast at 2x[dice] MD), however if they break it they will have the Bane effect them (similarly cast at 2x[dice] MD). These effects must be proportional. The Geas can be nullified by burning the ribbon, however when this occurs the caster loses [dice] MD until they cause another creature to befall a tragic fate by the use of a Geas.

Secret: Bound Artefacts

You learn the secret to creating powerful magical items by binding magical creatures, you may devise a grand ritual to bind a creature you have under the effects of your magic, such as Solemn Slumber or Geas, these creatures become unique magical items which are developed in collaboration with the GM.
