Agent Class

You are a member of a secretive guild, some seek to enrich themselves, some to hunt down evil, others more esoteric goals.

Starting Equipment: See guilds

Question: Who taught you everything you know?

XP Trigger: See guild

Class Type: Expert

Stamina: 6+[Str]+[Level]

Attack: +[½Level]

Ability: When you Push Yourself it only costs 1 stamina instead of 2.

A: Guild, 2 Trades at rank 2
B: Increase a trades rank (+1 rank) and gain a new trade at rank 1 (+1 Trade)
C: Pick Twice: +1 rank, +1 trade
D: Pick Twice: +1 rank, +1 trade

A: Guild1

Choose a guild from the following list, this guild is the group you are a part of and you gain the equipment and XP goal of your guild. The Guild you belong to determines the suite of 5 abilities you can rank up in.

A: Trades1

Trades are the special talents that an agent has. They each have 3 ranks which increase in power and must be taken sequentially. All agents may also take the following talents:

Dirty Fighting

✧: Whenever you, or an ally, would gain bonus to hit from your underhanded tactics, you may add 1d6 to the damage of one attack that turn.
✧✧: As above however, you may add a collective total of [½level]d6 damage each turn.
✧✧✧: As above however, you may add a collective total of [level]d6 damage each turn..

Bag of Tricks

✧: You have a Bag of Tricks (1 slot), which has 2 slots inside it. While you have slots in your Bag that haven't yet been filled with defined items, you may produce a mundane tool of neglegible value from your Bag that will help you solve a current problem. It then takes up one of the inventory slots in your Bag of Tricks. You may clean out and refill your Bag when you return to town. ✧✧: Your Bag now has 4 slots. ✧✧✧: Your Bag no longer contributes to encumbrance.

Additional Talents

You may choose a talent from another Guild and progress that talent as if it were one from your Guild.



These idealistic storytellers are known for always meddling and causing trouble, disrupting carefully laid plans. They each act according to their own ideals to create a better world, however they see it.

Starting Equipment: Cloak made of ribbons, a sturdy walking stick or hidden blade (weapon), A instrument or tome of stories.

XP Trigger: Meddle in affairs you have no right to.

1: Fated Draw

✧: You have a hand of 2 playing cards, drawn fresh at the start of a session. You can play these cards while Pushing Yourself to change your roll to the value on the card. A number card is a Mixed Result, Face is a Great Sucess, Aces are Critical Success. Jokers are failures and must be played to leave your hand.
✧✧: You may now draw an additional 2 cards at the start of a session. Your cards can now inspire allies granting the effect to them.
✧✧✧: You may expend your cards to effect an opponents roll, the cards having the inverse effects; face is a fail, number is partial, jokers are full success.

2: Spelltheif

✧: When you see a spell cast you can attempt a contested dexterity roll against the caster to attempt to snatch it from the air and dispel it as a reaction, however on a failure the spell goes off in your hands and you automatically fail any saves against it, additionally taking max damage.
✧✧: When you steal a spell you may keep it and cast it later, expending it by doing this. You may only hold 1 spell this way.
✧✧✧: You may hold a number of spell equal to half your level (rounded up) at once.

3: Safehouse

✧: Whenever you enter a town or city you may find a safehouse that will offer you food, a place to sleep and hide you from the law.
✧✧: Your safehouses now contain 4 coin worth of equipment that you can borrow, although you must return or pay for it before you leave.
✧✧✧: Your safehouses now are always connected to some kind of tunnels, magical network or rooftop paths that allow you to secretly and quickly travel across the city.

4: Bardic Talents

✧: You may play music or tell stories to enamour yourself with the locals, learning any rumors you wish.
✧✧: Your talent is great enough to earn you 1 coin per settlement you play in.
✧✧✧: You're bardic arts are good enough to earn you a swarm of fans who will do whatever you ask, provided it is not more than mildly illegal or puts them in danger.

5: Silver Tongue

✧: You gain a bonus to reaction rolls equal to half your level. You can add this bonus to checks to persuade or convince someone of something.
✧✧: You will always have a chance to parlay before combat begins, your disarming personality allowing for a moment of calm to prepare.
✧✧✧: Once per session you can treat a character has having a relationship one level higher than they had before for a scene. \


The mysterious beggars guild controls the city of Grine deep in the vampire controlled lands of Dethen, however the beggar kings reach touches everywhere with his agents, the beggars, being found in every city.

Starting Equipment: Stained clothes, A poisoned dagger (Light Weapon), a coin older than the kingdoms.

XP Trigger: Learn new gossip for the beggar king

1: False Names

✧: With a week of work, or a coin to the right people, you can establish a false identity with all the paperwork and disguises needed to justify it. This identity will not be questioned without major reasons.
✧✧: Observing a person for a time you can unerringly fake their voice, mannerisms and handwriting. You can make your disguise match them to an extent that casual acquaintances wouldn't question your disguise.
✧✧✧: Once per session by pushing yourself you may make a disguise of another character so cunning that even their own mother could not tell you from them.

2: Dirty Fighting

✧: Whenever you would gain bonus to hit from a underhanded tactics, you may also roll damage twice and take the highest result.
✧✧: Whenever you would gain a bonus on a roll, as above, you may reroll 1s.
✧✧✧: Whenever you would gain a bonus on a roll, as above, you may add the bonus to the attacks damage.

3: Part of the Plan

✧: You can push yourself to flashback to an element you had prepared beforehand like bribing a guard, planting traps or other minor elements.
✧✧: When your whereabouts have not been established in a scene you may push-yourself to reveal a disguise or hiding place you were hidden in.
✧✧✧: If you ever are fatally wounded you can reveal it was a body double the whole time and reveal yourself to be disguised as a background character, you may only do this once.

4: Fast Fingers

✧: Whenever you try to perform sleight of hand (lockpicking, pickpocketing, etc), failure won't alert anyone who isn't already paying attention to you.
✧✧: You leave no trace of tampering, or specific traces of your choice, when you perform sleight of hand (whether you succeed or fail).
✧✧✧: Whenever someone tries to retrieve or draw an item, you can push yourself to reveal that you actually burgled it from them at some point in the recent past (if you had access).

5: Forgotten

✧: You can hide among a crowd, characters will not notice you among other people unless you draw attention to yourself.
✧✧: You can fade into the background in any scene, even in open land only characters actively looking for you will be able to find you.
✧✧✧: Once per session you may call upon the shadows to become completely forgotten by a number of people equal to your level.


The acolytes of Zin the Lawbringer, the truthspeakers are the magistrates that keep the nobles beholden to the law, surprising nobles with the consequences of their misdeeds.

Starting Equipment: A silver and grey cloak, Fine Mail (Light Armor), An elaborate weapon, A hidden blade (Melee Weapon)

XP Trigger: Uncover or punish a lawbreaker.

1: False Names

✧: With a week of work, or a coin to the right people, you can establish a false identity with all the paperwork and disguises needed to justify it. This identity will not be questioned without major reasons.
✧✧: Observing a person for a time you can unerringly fake their voice, mannerisms and handwriting. You can make your disguise match them to an extent that casual acquaintances wouldn't question your disguise.
✧✧✧: Once per session by pushing yourself you may make a disguise of another character so cunning that even their own mother could not tell you from them.

2: Bargain

✧: You can make a magical deal that both parties are aware of the full consequences. If one breaks the deal the other parties know, including you.
✧✧: When you make a deal you may add a clause to breaking the deal either, d6 damage for each level you have, or a wound you describe such as a liars mark or bleeding mouth.
✧✧✧: When you make your deals you may take incorporeal concepts as collateral such as names, souls or talents and claim them if the deal is broken.

3: Forgotten

✧: You can hide among a crowd, characters will not notice you among other people unless you draw attention to yourself.
✧✧: You can fade into the background in any scene, even in open land only characters actively looking for you will be able to find you.
✧✧✧: Once per session you may call upon the shadows to become completely forgotten by a number of people equal to your level.

4: Leagalease

✧: You always know the law and can find minor loopholes to justify whatever minor illegal act you are doing.
✧✧: You may drown others is obscure legal language so that they will believe something only slightly absurd is illegal or legal for the scene.
✧✧✧: You may once per adventure, step outside the law, you are unable to be legally culpable for any action you make. This does not protect you from extra-legal attacks.

5: Stench of Evil

✧: You can smell violence and lies, well told lies may have a more subtle scent and old violence fades with time.
✧✧: You can trace the smell of a particular persons evil, when you meet a character you can mark their scent and follow them like a bloodhound. You may only mark 1 character per day in this way.
✧✧✧: You gain a +1d to all rolls against a marked target, this counts for dirty fighting. You can mark an opponent you have not met but have the possessions or blood from.


You died, and the Queen of Twilight gathered together your broken parts. She stitched them together and made a whole person. You are forever indebted to the Queen of Ravens as one of her agents in the world.

Starting Equipment: A dead person's clothes, A weapon you held in life, The intact skull of a raven with a silver piece inside it.

XP Goal: Gather secrets for the Raven

1: Tricks of Magic

✧: May pick three spells from the Curse Magic or Enchantment schools of magic, you can cast these and the cantrip as per the spellcasting chapter. You may cast these spells with 1MD 3 times before you must recover to regain them.
✧✧: Your spells are now cast at 2 MD and you gain 2 uses per recovery.
✧✧✧: Your spells are now cast at 3 MD and you gain 2 uses per recovery.
[dice]: 1/2/3, Number of Casts: 3/5/7, Imprinted Spells: All
Spells Known: You begin knowing 3 spells from either the Curse or Enchantment School of magic.
Gained Spells: You may only learn more spells via the Extracurricular Magic Feat.

2: Stolen Names

✧: If you get someone to willingly give you their name you can disguise yourself as them as if by the Illusion spell. This additionally changes your voice to match theirs.
✧✧: When you have a characters name you can, as a 2 turn Ritual, cast the spell Sleep on them.
✧✧✧: When you have a characters name you can cast Bind Thrall over 10 minutes with half your level in MD.

3: Negative Vision

✧: You can see in darkness as if it is light however light becomes darkness while you are seeing in this way. You can change this as a 1 hour ritual.
✧✧: While you are viewing the world in negative, magic appears as color.
✧✧✧: While you are viewing the world in negative, souls can be seen as scratched out holes in the world.

4: Bargain

✧: You can make a magical deal that both parties are aware of the full consequences. If one breaks the deal the other parties know, including you.
✧✧: When you make a deal you may add a clause to breaking the deal either, d6 damage for each level you have, or a wound you describe such as a liars mark or bleeding mouth.
✧✧✧: When you make your deals you may take incorporeal concepts as collateral such as names, souls or talents and claim them if the deal is broken.

5: Patron

✧: You have a small skull stuffed with ritual herbs, once per day you may ask a question of the skull and receive an answer from your patron or one of their servants.
✧✧: You may also ask a favor of the skull, when it will cast a spell to assist you. Although this may not help in the way you intended.
✧✧✧: You can shatter the skull to summon an avatar of your patron for a short time, once this has been done you must complete a quest for your patron to receive another totem.

Levithan Hunter

The city of Grine, in the heart of the vampires mists, is the only place where those skilled, and insane, enough to hunt the creatures of the Void Sea live. They tattoo a sign of each creature they slay with it's blood and bone, gaining powerful abilities from each symbol. While other gangs bicker and fight over the cities streets the Leviathan Hunters need to hold no streets, they go where they please without contest.

Starting Equipment: Waxed Woolen Coat (Light armor), A Messer (Medium Melee Weapon; Piercing, Precise), A Harpoon Launcher (Hand Weapon; Loading, Nimble, Piercing), A carved bone rune.

XP Goal: Explore the secret and the occult

1: Blink

✧: As an Action, you can instantly move one range (30ft) without allowing any enemies to riposte or intercept you. You can move in this way in any direction and can end the movement in mid-air. You do physically move this distance and cannot pass through solid objects and are effected by any spells you pass through.
✧✧: You no longer physically pass the distance however you must be able to see the target location.
✧✧✧: You can now swap places with any ally when you blink, this includes summoned creatures from other void powers. You do not need to be able to see your creations to swap with them.

2: Bone Charms

✧: You can craft charms from magical creatures bone, making number equal to your templates. They may convey a minor, with some examples detailed at the end of this guild.
✧✧: You can now maintain twice as many charms, but still only use a number equal to your templates at once.
✧✧✧: You may carve one of your talents into a charm to gift to an ally as a Black Bonecharm, they only gain the first tier of the talent.

3: Pull

✧: As an aciton, you may reach out with a tendril of void power to snatch small objects (1 enc max) silently into your hands. This can pull tiny creatures, levers and other objects you can't pick up, but they will not be carried into your hands.
✧✧: You can now effect anything smaller than a warhorse, including other characters. Pulled characters will keep their footing under most circumstances. This can lift creatures into the air.
✧✧✧: You can now do the opposite and fling objects with the force of bow, creatures flung in this way will take d8 damage if they strike a solid object or other character.

4: Swarm

✧: As an action you can call upon a swam of vermin-like void creatures. They have 1 hit dice, act on your turn and can attack with dice equal to your templates and deal damage equal to their remaining HP. You cannot control this swarm and they will attack the nearest creature. This swarm only lasts for the scene before they return to the void.
✧✧: Your vermin now have a number of HD equal to your templates.
✧✧✧: Your swarm can now be commanded and led but their hunger for flesh grows with time.

5. Possession

✧: An an Action, you may leap into the body of an animal smaller than a dog. You can control this creature for 10 minutes before being forced out. When you emerge from the creatures body it is unharmed and you appear adjacent to it. If the creature is harmed you both take the damage and you are forced out of the body.
✧✧: You no longer have a time limit for possessing animals, additionally you may possess any animal smaller than a horse.
✧✧✧: You may posses mortal characters, however your control is poor, you may not speak and will appear inebriated to others. They will forget the time you possessed them and when you leave will come to feeling extremely sick as if hung over. Characters may save have to prevent this, nameless mooks may not.

Bone Charm Examples:


During the reign of King Uther mages were hunted, the Witchunters were his agents to find them. Now they've become a vital group. When a mage goes rogue they travel forth and use techniques honed over centuries to take them down quickly and safely.

Starting Equipment: A laminated undercoat (Light Armor), Serrated Knifes (Light Weapon, Thrown, Precise), Concealable Hand Crossbow (Hand Weapon, Loading, Nimble, Powerful), A royal commission, A bag of pepper.

XP Trigger: Defeat a being that hides among humans

1: Mage Slayer

✧: When you riposte an enemy casting a spell they must save or lose control of the spell, failing to cast it.
✧✧: You may additionally riposte fast spells cast within melee range by sacrificing one action from your next turn.
✧✧✧: You may now riposte against any spell you can see being cast, and may make a ranged attack instead of a melee attack.

2: Inquisitor

✧: You can smell magic that has been cast in the past hour, you can smell vague ideas of what school of magic it is from.
✧✧: You can now smell spellcasters and recognize their magic from the smell and vice versa.
✧✧✧: Magic leaves a recognizable trail, you can track a caster like a bloodhound for an hour after they cast magic.

3: Part of the Plan

✧: You can push yourself to flashback to an element you had prepared beforehand like bribing a guard, planting traps or other minor elements.
✧✧: When your whereabouts have not been established in a scene you may push-yourself to reveal a disguise or hiding place you were hidden in.
✧✧✧: If you ever are fatally wounded you can reveal it was a body double the whole time and reveal yourself to be disguised as a background character.

4: Thick as thieves

✧: You can recruit d4 thugs in town who're loyal so long as they'll get a cut of the loot and are sure they'll make it out alive. They will flee, cheat, or betray you and each other if either of those conditions becomes sufficiently murky.
✧✧: d6 thugs or d4 thieves, each with 1 rank in a random thief ability (besides this one).
✧✧✧: 2d6 thugs or 2d4 thieves, each with 2 ranks in a random thief ability (besides this one).

5: Hellsing Artifice

✧: You can modify loading weapons to be rapidly reloaded, each time you take the attack action you may instantly reload each loading weapon you are holding.
✧✧: You can manufacture alchemical arrows that have the effects of potions or philters on hit.
✧✧✧: You may progress 1 additional tick on any downtime clock to craft a complex mechanical weapon or device.

  1. Inspired by the Thief Class by Lexi of "A Blasted, Cratered Land"
