Wildling Class

Magic older than the kingdoms of man that claim dominion over magic the Wildlings, often called Druids or Rangers, have lived among the wilds for ages past. In recent times they have been chased away by both church and kingdom. Now they largely hide among the Darso people or in their secret clans in the Thrischima mountains.

Starting Equipment: Light armor crafted from exotic hides and Weapons crafted of ritual woods(2 of your choice), A various herbs and talismans.

Background Question: What chased you from your home?

XP Trigger: Protect the natural world or defy the law of civilization.

Class Type: Expert (Or Warrior, See Class features)

Starting Stamina: 6

Attack Bonus: +[½level]

Expert Ability: When you Push Yourself for a skill check it only costs 1 stamina instead of 2.

A: Mountain Clans
B: Druidic Secrets +2 Secrets
C: +2 Secrets
D: +2 Secrets

A: Mountain Clans

The druids where chased to the dark swamps of Darson where they found the mountains they call their home.

Suphite (Druid)

Are known for their love of freedom and their secret power to transform into animals.

Wildshape: You may shapeshift into a mundane animal you have seen before. You have a pool of points equal to your level, you must expend 1 point for each HD of the creature you are transforming into (minimum 0)

While wildshaped you are limited by the animal shape you have; eg hands; speaking ect. In addition you adopt the animals attacks and HP, rolling for their health and recording it as a separate pool. When this pool reaches zero you revert to your normal form. Any wounds taken carry over to your normal body.

Macate (Witch)

Are known for their magical knowledge and bonds to magical creatures.

Nature Pact: You can cast spells as per the Spellcasting Rules choosing one school of magic you learned from a magical being such as a Hag, Unicorn or Dragon.

MD: 2+[½Level], Max MD: [½level]
Regain On: 1-2, Imprinted Spells: 2+CHA
Starting Spells: You begin knowing 1 school of magic of your choice.
Gaining Spells: You may only gain more spells via the Extra Curricular Magic feat

Ararian (Barbarian)

Are known for their martial prowess, as an Ararian you may change your class type to Warrior1 and gain the item "Hide from your first hunt (0 armor)"

Bestial Style: You've learned to fight from the beasts of your home, when you enter combat armored only in the pelt from a creature you have killed you gain 2×[½level] temporary stamina, this expires when combat ends. Additionally you may take a Bestial Style from the following pages. You may take additional styles as a Secret.

Modallo (Ranger)

The secretive Modallo clan are secretive and commune with the spirits of the land, they are known for healing incurable maladies. You gain the ability:

Spirits of Nature:2 You can summon a magical spirit to assist and defend your party as an Action. You can do this [level] times before you must Recover to do it again. The spirit grants the benefit to all nearby characters, it can move at the end of your turn and if the spirit is attacked it is dispelled automatically. If you have a familiar the spirit may inhabit the familiar, only being dispelled when the familiar is killed.

Vagrant Druid

You came from no clan, but a hidden enclave or distant home where the druids were not hunted. You may gain +2 Druidic secrets or a Feat to represent your unique knowledge.

A: Wildspeech

You know the secret language of the wild; you can speak to mundane animals, trees and communicate with other druids without being listened in on. This language includes a secret language of symbols such as stacked rocks that allows you to find other druids.

B: Druidic Secrets3

The druids had countless secret techniques that mixed in their close proximity

Bestial Styles 4

Absorbing Ooze

You can squeeze through spaces the size of your head.
When you hit an enemy, you can automatically steal an item they’re carrying, including pieces of armor.

Charging Wurm

You can burrow through loose earth and breathe underground for 30 minutes.
When you attack an enemy from below, deal additional damage equal to your number templates, you may additionally grapple them as a part of the manuver.

Flailing Kraken

You can swim in any conditions and hold your breath underwater for 10 minutes.
You can make as many attacks per round as you have free limbs; deal 2 less damage for each extra attack you're making.

Glaring Tyrant

You can’t be surprised.
As a reaction, with eye contact, you can force a creature to change it's action and save or lose its turn. This only works once per round.

Lurking Basilisk

Your movement and unarmed attacks are silent.
With eye contact, as an action, you can Slow a creature and they must save or be Immobilized until the start of their turn. If they succeed, it doesn’t work on them again.

Nesting Owlbear

You can climb rough vertical surfaces as quickly as you run.
You can parry attacks targeting your allies, reducing its damage by your strength bonus, and can make an attack of opportunity.

Patient Mimic

With a minute of prep-time, you can create a camouflage disguise that blends you into the environment until you move.
You can make an unarmed strike that imitates the mundane attack that an enemy just hit you with.

Ruling Dragon

You can jump as high as you can move in a round. Falling from this jump doesn’t inflict fall damage.
You may impose a STR penalty to enemies Morale Checks when you slay one of their number.

Stalking Displacer

You can split into two copies of yourself, each of which you control independently. One copy is an illusion. Choose which is real when you want to interact with something or something tries to hit one of the copies. When you choose which is real, the other disappears.
If both you and your copy are teaming up on the same enemy, you get +2d on the attacks.

Striding Giant

You can treat your Strength as +4 for anything besides fighting.
You can dual-wield medium weapons.

Thirsting Stirge

You can skim over the ground, without leaving footprints or applying pressure until you end your move.
When you wound someone, you can drain their vitality and restore d[level] HP.

Keening Wraith

You can astrally project while meditating.
Your astral body is intangible, transparent (though not invisible), and cannot go further than [level]*100ft away from your body. You can attack and be attacked while astral projecting, which can be hit [template]+CHA times before being destroyed, at which point you gain the wound Psychic Headache and cannot project again until the wound in cleared.

  1. Warriors change their Stamina to 8, gain +2 to attack bonus and replace the expert ability with the Warrior Ability: You may push yourself in combat to gain a +1d bonus to attacks.

  2. Inspired by the Circle of Shepherd from Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition by Wizards of the Coast

  3. Inspired by the Ranger and Druid from Runaway Princess by Huddy of "Make a new cult every day"

  4. Based on the Adept by Lexi of "A Blasted, Cratered Land"
