Social Feats

You have a charisma about you that makes others follow your instructions, most characters will instinctively defer to your and follow your instructions. Once per Session you can command an NPC who is not openly hostile to you, they will comply with the command, provided it is not significantly harmful or uncharacteristic.

You can fluently speak all the common languages of your native region and convey at least basic information in uncommon or esoteric ones. You can learn a new language with only a week's practice with a native speaker. 

You’re remarkably gifted at making friends, wherever you go you seem to know somebody useful to your ends. At the start of each session you gain a free Favor (see downtime rules), this favor does not carry over between sessions.

You have a knack for picking up lost souls who will willingly do your bidding. Such people will serve you in loyal fashion until betrayed or placed in unacceptable danger. They are likely to be unskilled or otherwise unimportant people. You can acquire new henchmen within 24 hours in a populated community. You can have 1 henchman per 3 levels you have, rounded up.
