
This warm tome has been transcribed by endless hands. It is refined in many ways, the excess being trimmed away with a ruthless efficiency. It has seen battle but survive it all.

Cantrip: Conjure Flame

You can conjure or extinguish flames up to the size of a torch. Additionally you can control these flames and make them leap between your finger and close to your body.

  1. Ash Cloud

Slow, Concentration
You create a cloud of hot ash completely blocking sight in a [dice]×10ft. radius. Any creatures within the cloud must take [sum] damage as they inhale hot ash, save PHYS for half. Prone creatures, or those who cover their mouth with wet cloth, are unaffected by this.

  1. Embers Embrace

You may select a nearby ally, who is surrounded by a cloud of [sum] embers. As an Action or Riposte, the ally can send up to [dice] embers flying at nearby opponents, each dealing [sum] fire damage, the targets may save PHYS to halve the damage.

  1. Flashpoint

You may light all objects in a [dice]×5 ft radius of a point in Mid Range on fire. Creatures in the area take [sum]d4 damage or save PHYS for half.

  1. Guardian Hearth

Ritual (3)
You beseech the spirit of a campfire or hearth to offer you protection. For [sum] hours the flame and any others within [dice]×20ft will not extinguish.
If a creature that wishes you harm enters the light of the flames, they will flare and pop loud enough to wake you. You may declare a specific threat the flames are to ward you from, any such being will be burned by the light, taking [sum] fire damage each round they are lit by the flames.

  1. Reforge the Steel

Slow, Concentration
You cause [dice] pieces of metal you can see in mid range to glow cherry red, this heat will never harm you or your allies but will deal [sum] additional damage to any other creature who touches it unless they choose to throw it aside. Armor has too much padding for this spell to affect creatures wearing it.

  1. Evocation of Flame

You may cast this spell at a maximum level of [dice]×10 ft2 of fire in Mid Range. You may command that flame with a single word, such as "Burn", "Wall" or "Fight". The flame will understand and follow your intention, although it will not willingly harm itself (such as by leaping into water). The flame may act as an Evocation Fire spell of the same level. Other effects may animate the flame for [sum] rounds, or hours if the spell is cast over 10 minutes.

  1. Pyromancy

You may speak to a flame as if it were a living creature. The larger the flame the more intelligent it is and the more [dice] are required to understand it. Flames don't pay attention to much but they can peer into the likely future and distant past.
Candles are about as smart as dogs [1 Dice], Campfires are about as smart as slow-witted men [2 Dice] and forest fires are highly articulate [3 Dice], Volcanoes are dangerous to talk to unprepared [4 Dice]. Some flames can be trained to carry messages or spy on others.

Magical Secret: Truth of the Phoenix

When you die you may burst into flames, dealing up to your level d6 damage to every creature of your choice within eyesight. When the flames die down a warm egg can be found in the ashes, after 1d4 days you will spill out of the egg, without any of your equipment and reduced to level 0. You do keep your skills and feats but do not gain new feats until you have leveled past your original level (when you level up you may replace a feat with another). When you gain your first XP you may choose a class to begin leveling in.
