Martial Feats

Die Hard
You gain 1 additional Stamina every second level, you automatically stabilize when you take a level 3 wound.

When a ally within Close Range would take damage from an attack you may interpose yourself into the attack and take the damage instead.

Whirlwind Fighter
When you make multiple melee attacks in a round you may Push Yourself ignore the -2 dice penalty normally taken for the second attack in a round.

You have impressed the mysterious Blackblade, who gave you one of his Feathers, this takes the form of a magical sword that you can summon to your hand at will. You may choose the form of your sword each time you summon it and may push yourself to summon a weapon with 3 tags instead of 2. You may also absorb other magical weapons into your blackblade, choosing 1 items benefits when you summon it.

Tavern Brawler
When you fight without a proper weapon you can attack as if your bare hands or improvised weapons are Medium Weapons, these weapons are always treated as having the Hooked tag and you may select one additional tag.

Hooked: When you roll a mixed success on an attack, you may deal no damage in exchange for attempting a maneuver on your opponent.

Feinting Strike
You may decide to declare an attack as a feint, after making the attack roll but before rolling damage. No damage is dealt by the next attack against that opponent has +1d for each 5 or 6 rolled, up to a maximum of the number of half your level.
