Magical Feats

Extra Curricular Magic
Classes with spellcasting only.
You may learn 3 additional spells, if these spells are from the same tome you gain the cantrip of that tome. You can take this feat multiple times to gain more spells.

Talented Magic
Classes with spellcasting only
Select one of the spellcasting requirements; Foci, Incantations or Gestures. You may ignore that component without consequence.

You have a minor spirit that is bound to you or chooses to stay with you. You gain a familiar with 2 tags from the familiar rules. If you already have a familiar you may choose an additional 2 tags.

Magical Talent
You can cast spells as described in the Spellcasting Rules.

MD: [½level], Max MD: [½level]
Return: 1-2, Imprinted Spells: 1
Spells Known: You Learn 3 spells each time
This feat can be taken multiple times to learn 3 more spells and gain an additional preparation slot.

You have been blessed by one of the gods and granted their power, you gain a pool of [Level]+CHA Faith. You can expend this Faith like Hope (see healing). You may also expend a faith or hope to cast a spell from the Miracle tome with 1 MD.
