Gear Feats

When you forage in a verdant wild or shop in an illegal market you can extract a dose of a poison detailed in the equipment chapter for free.
By harvesting or buying other ingredients, you can craft different types of poisons.

As a downtime action you can reinforce, modify and hone a melee weapon. The weapon gains an additional tag but the honed edge is quickly blunted and the additional tag is removed after the next combat where it is used.

You can craft your own arrows with easily available materials. With 10 minutes of time you can affix a scroll, potion or other gear you can justify into an arrow. This arrow will trigger the effect of the gear where it hits.

With an alchemy kit ( 2 slots, 1 Coin.) you can turn relatively common herbs and supplies into useful product. When you recover you can craft a set of draughts and vials (as detailed in the equipment chapter), you can craft a number of products equal to 3+int+a relevant skill. Unused products expire when you recover.
You may develop new works as long term projects.

You can create advanced but unstable gear, as a downtime action you can craft ranged weapons with an additional tag, but if the highest dice on an attack with the weapon is a 1 the weapon catastrophically fails.

If you do not have one already you gain a spellbook with one Tome of spells in it and any other spells you know. As a downtime action you can craft a scroll or wand of a spell in your spellbook. This costs 1 less coin than it would cost to buy.
