
A dungeon round is a period of time of about 10 minutes, moving between rooms, searching, picking locks and other significant activities take 1 round. Each round an Encounter Check is rolled.


In the dungeon what you can carry is limited and every slot matters. Packed equipment cannot be carried into the dungeon with you and each player must decide how much Supply they carry with them.

Each Supply can be expended to reveal:

Supply can be discarded to free up space for loot, however each Supply discarded adds +1d to the encounter dice until the next encounter.

Encounter Clock

Each dungeon will have an encounter clock, which represents the denizens of the dungeon wandering and noticing the party. The clock is advanced by an Encounter Check.
When the clock reaches half way complete the GM describes an Omen which is a sound, smell or other sign of what the encounter will be.

Encounter Check:
1d6 plus a dice for each Loud Noise, Stolen Coin and Round spent in the same room since the last encounter.
The highest dice advances the clock as per normal rules for skill checks.


When traveling in a dungeon the party should elect a Scout, who will travel ahead of the party to search for traps.
Scouting always shows the size and connections of the adjacent rooms to the party. The scout may also roll a skill check to learn the contents of each room.

Scout Check:
Limited: +1d to next encounter check
Mixed: No Effect
Great: Learn rough contents of 1 room
Critical: Learn rough contents of all rooms


In the darkness of dungeons the players can choose which level of light they will bring with. \

Radiant: Torches and Lanterns fully open reveal much.

Dim: Shuttered lanterns or sputtering torches allow hidden shadows to remain.

Stygian: When the party carries no light they enter true darkness.