Dragonsoul Class

Your family was blessed by a dragon in the distant past. Their power flows through your soul and grants you unique power, however this power is not designed for mortal kind.

Starting Equipment: Richly Adorned robes, A gilded Weapon, a dragonscale.

Background Question: What memories of the dragon do you hold?

XP Trigger: Gather more riches for your hoard

Class Type: Mage

Starting Stamina: 4

Ability: Spellcasting

MD: 2+CHA+Level, Max MD: n/a
Return: 1-3, Imprinted Spells: n/a
Spells Known: You begin knowing all forms and 1 element from the Evocation tome of magic.
Gained Spells: Each level, including first, you may replace 1 form of the evocation spell with a different spell from any tome of magic.

A: Draconic Bloodline, Dragon Magic
B: Breath Weapon
C: Signature Magic
D: Draconic Body

A: Draconic Bloodline

Your magic comes from an ancestor with magical blood. Choose a single draconic element; Fire, Lightning, Cold, Acid or Plague. This is your lineage and the element of the Evocation tome you know.
You gain [½level] points of Armor against sources of that element and are immune to similar environmental effects.

A: Dragon magic

Your magic is drawn from the dragon, this has less limits than regular mages however it also comes with additional consequences. When you cast a spell you have no limit on the number of MD you may invest, however when you roll doubles you invoke a Mishap, and when you roll tripples you earn a Doom.
On your second doom you may foreswear your power and begin at level 1 in a new class, keeping any feats or other class levels. On your third doom you are effectively dead and must make a new character.

1d6 Mishaps
1 Your eyes become a strange color and glow lightly unless you concentrate on them, lasts #d6 days
2 You grow visible scales that refuse to go away for #d4 days
3 Smoke comes out of your mouth whenever you breathe or talk growing thicker the longer its been since you used your breath weapon, lasts #d6 days.
4 You gain a craving for gold or some other treasure and will not willingly part with any for #d10 days.
5 You feel sure of your own superiority and refuse to accept insult, lasts for #d20 days
6 Start a 10 segment Doom clock if you do not have one already, fill 1d4 wedges of the clock, when the clock is full you trigger a Doom.

"#" is the number of times this mishap has been triggered. The effect becomes permanent if # becomes larger than the dice.


B: Breath Weapon

You can channel your magic into a powerful breath weapon, as an action you may exhale a [level]x5 ft. cone (or line of 3 times the length) of your element, dealing [level]d8 damage to everyone within, or half on a successful PHYS save. Once you use this ability you may roll a d6 at the end of each turn, regaining the ability on a 6.

C: Signature Magic

By either the nature of your bloodline or your career in magic you have become an expert in a subset of spells. You may choose a [½Level] spells to be your Signature Spells.
When casting signature spells, your first Magic Dice expended on the spell counts as two. Furthermore your expertise means you only trigger Mishaps on triples and cannot trigger dooms (except by mishap) while casting these spells.

D: Draconic Body

You can draw deeply on the power of your soul, changing your body to becomes more draconic for a time. As an Action you may change to your draconic form, when you do you:
