
Curse Magic

Written with blood on bark and flesh, bound in hair, this tome whispers when left alone. Within the names and desires of 7 Maledictions are described, they can be called upon to curse your foes.

Cantrip: Paranoia A character you can see will become suspicious and convinced they are being watched for the rest of the day. This effect becomes more powerful the longer it effects them, by the end of a week of constant casting they will be unable to sleep.

  1. Confession

Ritual (2)
You complete a ritual while touching a character, they must answer [dice] questions you ask truthfully, or they take [sum] damage as they are mentally flayed. Trained characters can save MENT to avoid flinching.

  1. Crown of Madness

Slow spell
A creature you can see that can hear your words will be struck by madness for [dice] rounds, attacking the nearest creature. They can save MENT each turn to do nothing instead.

  1. Feast of Ashes

You curse a nearby creature, they experience unassuageable hunger for [dice] Days. They will not die, but feel as though they are starving; worse, eating food causes them horrible nausea.

  1. Fester

Reduce a close creatures max HP by [sum] for [dice] minutes. If you cast this spell on a sample of the targets blood the spell lasts for a day, and you may cast the spell on the vial each day to maintain the effect. Each day you extend the spell in this manner, the targets max HP is reduced by a further [sum] as they become more sickly and feverish. Once they are reduced to zero HP they die when you wish it.

  1. Lipstitch

A character in Mid Range has it's lips sewn together. Their HD can’t be greater than the [dice] invested. The victim can cut their lips open again, but they take [sum] damage in the process. The victim can unpick their lips over minutes to take no damage from this.

  1. Numb

A creature in medium range is numbed to pain for [sum] rounds. While numbed a character may consider all wounds to be Treated, and will not be incapacitated on taking a Mortal Wound. However numbed characters are unaware of their pain and so take double damage from all attacks.
Grants a [dice] bonus to surgery or similar procedures while numbed.

  1. Bind Thrall

Ritual (2) You can bind a creature in medium range to be your thrall for [dice] days or save MENT, modified by the difference between HD and [dice], to be bound for [sum] hours instead. You must know their name and have a lock of their hair or drop of blood. The spell can only effect creatures of less than [dice]×3 HD.
A bound thrall must follow your commands and obey any actions given while bound. If the action would be harmful to it it may save to disobey. This doesn't change the creature's opinions or perspective of you, it just forces obedience onto it.
