
A heavy tome often more interested in theory than practice, a battered telescope is mounted on the outside and a deck of Tarot Cards spread between the pages.

Cantrip: Measurement
You can instantly make calculations using a trivial magic spell; you can use this to tell the exact time, know the angle and distance to any point you can see, instantly count a pile of objects or other precise measurements.

  1. Personal Constellation

[sum] stars form a constellation about you or an ally you can see. These stars cast light as a torch, one star fading each dungeon round. You may as an action send the stars forth as magical comets, dealing 1d4 damage each to a character in direct line of sight to the stars.

  1. Astrologer's Orrey

Ritual (3)
You call upon the stars and conjure an illusionary orrey showing the position of the stars about you. Using this you can determine your exact location. You may also use this to call upon the mighty horoscopes, choose [sum] predictions from a horoscope, tarot reading or other method of telling the future. You may add +1d to a roll to relevant each of these predictions after which they have been achieved. These predictions expire at the next moonrise.

  1. Theory Of Magnetism

Slow, Concentration
You control a handful of iron within close range for [dice] turns with mysterious forces of magnetism, theorized to hold the stars in the sky. At one [dice] you could steer a chain like a snake, fling a sword through the air or open an iron lock. Each dice you invest increases this effect. At 4 [dice] you could collapse a room or knock over a small army of knights.
Attacks are rolled as ranged attacks with +[dice] bonus and deal [sum] damage.

  1. Track Ley Line

Ritual (3)
You trace the shape of the local ley, the rivers of magic that flow throughout the world. This reveals any sites of power, such as a mages tower, standing stones or portals. For [sum] hours, while you are within the 5 leagues of the location you cast the spell, you know the location of sites of power where resting will grant any casters +1 MD when they recover. Other spells may also gain benefits from this understanding

  1. Walk The Ley

Ritual (3)
You, and [dice]×2 allies within close range, may teleport to a point you have seen within [sum] miles. If the point has changed since you last saw it, does not exist or you are only slightly familiar with it you must save MENT to avoid being sent off course.
If you have a Track Ley Line spell active the area of the ley does not count against the range of the spell and you will never need to save to teleport into that area.

  1. Scry from the Stars

Ritual (3), Concentration
Holding onto a mirror, crystal ball or other reflective surface you may speak the name of a creature you know. If they are within [dice]×100 Miles you will be able to see them in the reflection from the perspective of you birth constellation.
If you invest 3 or more dice, or have a body part (such as a fingernail or strand of hair), you can also hear through the spell.

  1. Passing Serendipity

When an ally makes a roll or save, you may, as a reaction, befriend a prophesy passing by to lend you a touch of it's fate. The ally may reroll the save or roll with [dice] bonus luck dice as they are assisted by a stroke of luck.

Magical Secret: Place of Power
As a 10-clock long term project you can transform a location into a place of power. While in your place of power:
