Ancestry Feats

These feats represent the abilities granted by different species. You may only pick an ancestry feat as your first feat.

Immortal Being
Elves & Gnomes
Once per session, when a historical event you were alive during is mentioned you may explain how you were there and the GM will describe a relevant, useful, piece of information.

Touch of the Wild
Elves, Gnomes & Half-Elves
As an elf you have the touch of a wild creature, from this you may select two of See in the dark like a cat, Smell like a fox, Hear like a bat, Speak with Animals or Climb like a goat. This becomes an ability you have, you may also treat this ability as a skill of half-your-level.

Dragons Breath
You may replace an attack with a burst of elemental force, enemies in a 10ft cone take 2d6 damage of an element you select when you choose this feat, Save to half ℗ or prevent (S) the damage. Additionally you have +1 armor against the element you choose.

You are able to sense dense solid objects like stone and metal nearby, even when blinded or when something lies between you and it. This may allow you to find hidden doors and spaces but small gaps and objects are hard to sense.

Stone Skin
Dwarves and Goliath
Your skin is tough and hardy. You always have at least 2 base armor, however this armor does not protect against blunt impacts or thunder.

Small Being
Podduk, Gnomes & Goblins
Smaller than most people you can fit through small gaps, may use other characters in melee range as cover from ranged attacks and you may reroll 1s when attempting to hide yourself or something else.

Powerful Build
Forgeborn & Goliath
You are much larger than those around you; you can carry 2 more more readied and stowed items.

Innate Magic
Elf, Half-elf, & Dhampir
You may choose 1 spell from the tomes of magic that represents an innate magical ability. You may cast this spell by pushing yourself once per scene.

Relentless Endurance
Hobgoblin, Goliath & Forgeborn
Once per session you may shrug off a wound as if it never happened.

Gelatinous Bones
Your bones can bend and deform like gelatin. You may reroll 1s rolled when making checks to sneak. You may also squeeze through gaps no smaller than a cat.

Winged Aldling & Some Dragonborn
You have wings that allow you to fly. You cannot carry anything beyond your readied items while flying and fall if you take any damage. Wounds may prevent you from flying instead of applying a penalty to rolls.

Lizardfolk, Sea-Elves & Others
You can breathe underwater and swim without effort. You will only need to make a check to swim in conditions that would be impossible for anyone else to achieve.
